Fried Chicken Batter

I came across this recipe online which claimed to be a good approximation of KFC’s fried chicken batter – this one even has 11 herbs and spices. I am assuming ‘Ts’ means teaspoon, not tablespoon. They recommended to dip the chicken in cold water before applying the batter, and then straight into a deep fryer. There’s a heap of different ‘KFC’ recipes floating around, so who knows if this is close to the real thing. I have yet to try it, but it looks tasty.

Mix the following 11 spices with 2 cups of white flour:

2/3 Ts salt
1/2 Ts thyme
1/3 Ts oregano
1 Ts celery salt
1 Ts black pepper
1 Ts dried mustard
4 Ts paprika
2 Ts garlic salt
1 Ts ground ginger
3 Ts white pepper

Here is a copy of what I saw online – I didn’t save the direct link unfortunately.