I regularly listen to ASMR to help myself relax and to help me get to sleep. ASMR is an acronym for autonomous sensory meridian response. YouTube is full of ASMR videos which unfortunately have largely turned into a form of virtual soft porn, with scantily dressed females licking foam covered microphones and blowing kisses etc.. This is not the ‘ASMR’ I am referring to, nor the ASMR I listen to.

Notice I say listen, and not watch. Almost all the times I listen to ASMR, I’ll scroll the video portion up and out of the viewable part of the browser so it doesn’t distract me, although there are a few instances where certain hand movements can help spark a similar response.

Generally I only listen to people whispering or talking in a quiet monotone, and sometimes in a foreign language in order to avoid any distraction from the content of their speech. Other people prefer sounds such as drawing with a pencil, or fingernails tapping on a book, or a wide variety of other sounds – whatever works for you.

I’ll add a list of some of the ASMR YouTube videos I watch shortly. Maybe they’ll help you too.

Last Modified on October 16, 2023
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